Funny Jokes

The funniest jokes from a collection of thousands!

Warning: Some of these jokes are incredibly funny, and you read them at your own risk - I accept no responsibility! (particularly for time lost due to rolling on the floor).

Best Rated Jokes:

funny jokes
  1. CHRISTMAS JOKES, funny christmas one-liners, jokes and humor.
  2. STAIRS, a very funny short story.
  3. PARACHUTE, simple little joke but quite amusing.
  4. CLIFF, bit sick!
  5. DUMB, couple of short dumb jokes.
  6. New: HEAVEN, a funny joke about a rich man going to heaven.
  7. New: JOKE OF THE DAY, designed as a homepage so you can be entertained every time you start your web browser.
  8. New: RETIREMENT, of course, some people never retire...
  9. New: BIRTHDAY, a collection of jokes about birthdays.
  10. New: CHICKEN, a collection of slightly weird jokes about chickens.
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